As we know the SQL Server Agent Job Activity monitor is a great tool but it doesn't shows us at what time the job has started execution and how much time has passed by. So we can use the below script to get the list of running jobs along with the time period for which they are running
create table #enum_job ( Job_ID uniqueidentifier, Last_Run_Date int, Last_Run_Time int, Next_Run_Date int, Next_Run_Time int, Next_Run_Schedule_ID int, Requested_To_Run int, Request_Source int, Request_Source_ID varchar(100), Running int, Current_Step int, Current_Retry_Attempt int, State int ) insert into #enum_job exec master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1,garbage select R.[name] , R.last_run_date,R.RunningForTime, getdate()as now from #enum_job a inner join ( SELECT j.job_id,, ja.run_requested_date AS last_run_date,(DATEDIFF(mi,ja.run_requested_date,getdate())) AS RunningFor, Case Len(Convert(varchar(5),DATEDIFF(ss,ja.run_requested_date,getdate())/3600)) when 1 then '0'+Convert(varchar(5),DATEDIFF(ss,ja.run_requested_date,getdate())/3600) else Convert(varchar(5),DATEDIFF(ss,ja.run_requested_date,getdate())/3600) end + ':' + Case Len(Convert(varchar(5),((DATEDIFF(ss,ja.run_requested_date,getdate())/60)%60))) when 1 then '0'+Convert(varchar(5),((DATEDIFF(ss,ja.run_requested_date,getdate())/60)%60)) else Convert(varchar(5),((DATEDIFF(ss,ja.run_requested_date,getdate())/60)%60)) end + ':' + Case Len(Convert(varchar(5),(DATEDIFF(ss,ja.run_requested_date,getdate())%60))) when 1 then '0'+Convert(varchar(5),(DATEDIFF(ss,ja.run_requested_date,getdate())%60)) else Convert(varchar(5),(DATEDIFF(ss,ja.run_requested_date,getdate())%60)) end AS RunningForTime FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity AS ja LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory AS jh ON ja.job_history_id = jh.instance_id INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view AS j ON ja.job_id = j.job_id WHERE (ja.session_id = (SELECT MAX(session_id) AS EXPR1 FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity)) ) R on R.job_id= a.Job_Id and a.Running = 1 drop table #enum_job |
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